Issue: Users integrating their account with a Gmail address may encounter issues if the 'Include all practitioners' option is enabled.
Resolution Steps:
Access Integration Settings:
- Navigate to the Clinic Setup page where you link your users .
- Navigate to the Clinic Setup page where you link your users .
Adjust Settings:
- Locate the option labeled 'Include all practitioners.' This option might be enabled by default.
- Locate the option labeled 'Include all practitioners.' This option might be enabled by default.
Uncheck the Box:
- Uncheck the 'Include all practitioners' box. This is essential as having this option enabled can prevent successful integration with Gmail as it does not auto find your clinic URL .
- Uncheck the 'Include all practitioners' box. This is essential as having this option enabled can prevent successful integration with Gmail as it does not auto find your clinic URL .
Retry Integration:
- Save your settings and attempt to reintegrate with your preferred practice integration. This should resolve the issue.
Additional Information: If the problem persists, contact support for more detailed assistance.
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