We're thrilled to present our innovation in clinical documentation – the Dictate Pro. Available exclusively on the Professional and Organization plan, this cutting-edge tool is designed to transform the way you create clinical records.
How DictatePro Works
Set the Context
Before you begin dictating, simply state the type of documentation you need:
"This is a phone consultation"
"Create a referral letter"
"Clinical examination notes"
"SOAP notes"
The system will then automatically format your dictation according to the specified document type without requiring a pre-existing prompt template.
Overcoming Traditional Dictation Limitations
Traditional dictation systems often fall short in several areas:
- Improved Accuracy & Error Handling: Our system is designed for high speech recognition accuracy, making error corrections a breeze.
- No More Delays: Efficient transcription means you won’t need to rely on external transcription turnaround times.
- Enhanced Privacy: Your clinical notes are secure and confidential.
- Cost-Effective: Reduce the expense of human transcription services.
Please be aware that like other sessions recorded with PatientNotes, these dictation sessions will only be stored on the server for 30 days.
Verbatim Dictation
For users needing exact transcription, try using phrases like “dictate word for word” or “dictate verbatim” to ensure the system captures your words precisely, without adding context or rephrasing.
You can also try using Prompt Templates for direct dictation which you can read more about here.
Dictate Pro Workflow
1. Click on DictatePro.

2. Click on Start dictating.
This will automatically convert your speech into a clinical note.
Desktop View:

Mobile View
3. The name of the client and a short session summary will appear.
The name of the client and a short session summary will automatically be populated from your dictation. If this does not auto-appear or you would like to change this, click on the session to change it. This may take a few seconds to appear.
4. Click on Finish.

5. Click on the patient session.
The name of the client and a short session summary will automatically be populated from your dictation. If this does not automatically appear, or you would like to change this, click on the session. This may take a few seconds to appear.

6. Click on Mark as complete

After generating your documents, the standard workflow still applies. This means you can manually access previous sessions, generate notes, and delete sessions as needed.
Once uploaded you will have the chance to use your current letter templates to populate either a medical letter or a patient summary.
Versatile Use: Generate letters, patient summaries
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