Renaming a prompt is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to update the name of your prompt:
Click on the Prompt Name:
- Locate the prompt you wish to rename and click on its name. The text will be highlighted with a blue outline, indicating that it is editable.
- Locate the prompt you wish to rename and click on its name. The text will be highlighted with a blue outline, indicating that it is editable.
Enter the New Name:
- Type in the new name for your prompt.
Save Your Changes:
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save button to confirm the changes.
Important Note for Shared Prompts
- Organization Prompts cannot be renamed. Instead you would need to delete and create a new shared prompt
We hope this information helps you manage your prompts more effectively. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out for support.
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